We also specialize in the unique field of Window Treatments cleaning and repairing.
Like upholstered furniture, window treatments can be a compilation of a variety of materials: fabric, vinyl, and metal to name a few.
Each component of the window treatment needs to be evaluated to determine the best cleaning method. This is where a cleaning professional's experience and good judgment play a role. Some components can be cleaned by normal carpet and upholstery methods, however, some may only be hand washed and other may have to undergo ultrasonic treatment. Ultrasonic treatment is the method preferred by most manufacturers.
We'll send a cleaning professional to pick up the window treatment from your location. Our professional will take down the window treatment for you and deliver it to our factory. The window treatment will be cleaning by experienced technicians who use only the safest techniques and technologically advanced equipment. Upon completion of cleaning, the window treatment will be delivered and installed back onto the window at no additional charge.
Sometimes cleaning isn't enough.
Call us today and be pleasantly surprised at how beautiful we can make your window treatment look. In addition to cleaning and repair, we also sell window treatments!!
For a free estimate of our services call us at 202-787-1547 or contact us